Care Not Cages
We are artists from
across the world
racial capitalism and
our governments
addiction to greed,
punishment and
man-made disaster.
We understand that
this current pandemic
called COVID-19
is impacting
everyone around the world.
We knew that Black, poor, disabled, trans and queer
and communities at the margins will be
impacted the most.
We are
truly connected and
this connection is
the driving force behind
why we as artists are
coming together
to call for a world that
A world that imagines care and dignity
and choice has our primary source of regeneration.
A world that benefits
all of us,
not just the few.
A world that denounced Cages.
June 11, 2020
In April, we came to you with a call, amidst pandemic, to abolish White supremacy, policing, and cages, and to heal our communities in protection of our bodies, this vessel, and this Earth we call home. The wide range of inspiring and dynamic works made in response to the Care Not Cages Relief Fund Open Call - as more than a concept but as we see in this uprising for Black liberation, a potent and developing future for us as ancestors to provide to generations to come - made for us an especially challenging selection process amongst nearly 60 applicants. Our jury panel comprised of members from For Freedoms, Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB), Justice LA and noé olivas and Alexandre Dorriz from our team at the Mart.
Today, we are deeply, deeply humbled to announce to you that in addition to the three awards we had initially offered of $1,500, $1,000, and $500, we received submissions by eight currently incarcerated artists - all of whom will also be awarded relief funds of $250 each, paid towards their books or directly to their family members, and have each consented to the exhibition of their works online.
1st Award
Paul Cullors,
“The Care Bears”
2nd Award
Sammy Jean Wilson,
“The NEW Black AbC’s”
3rd Award
Works by artists currently incarcerated, awarded by the care not cages relief fund:
Ras Allen, “Covid-19: The Corona Files”
“It has been very difficult being incarcerated during corona virus season. The cavels have been closed with no timeline or deadline to opening. (They) are being subjective with who can meet requirements for $0 bail. It’s not until people start to die within the jail population that they will pay the inmates any attention. Instead of making conditions easier they made them worse. Our constitutional rights are being stripped and we are being treated less than human beings. I pray for all of us during these times, free and incarcerated. Hopefully care can penetrate through these cages.” - Ras Allen

James Metters, “Care not Caged”
“Supporting the cause through art, together we can change the world!” - J Metters
Mesro the Human Sun, “Distanced SoCially”
“I wrote this poem because, in this era of social distancing, attention is now being paid to keeping ourselves seperated due to the onset of the coronavirus. Lacking the materials and opportunity to spray a mural on a wall, or to even draw one since I have no ready materials, I felt a poem was in order to highlight social distancing taking place in everyday life. This is dedicated to… everyone.”
Orlando Smith, “Covid-19 versus the nameless: o. Smith Perspective”
Orlando Romero
Miguel Flores AKA Smoke
“Just an artist doing time in the Texas prison system that’s expressing his pain and struggle through his art. Also, to all bRothers and sisters/comrades, stay strong together, we will overcome all our struggles. no matter what color. No matter what gender. R.I.P. to those that lost their life due to covid-19.
This artwork is something I learned not too long ago.
The brushes are homemade = out of hair pulled tight then cut short. Then I grind the pencil lead to a powder. then I wax the board.
It’s so alive. I think I have really stepped up my game.”
Deadline to Submit: May 1st, 2020 | 11:59 PM PST
All submissions must be submitted to
The Crenshaw Dairy Mart has teamed up with Justice LA, For Freedoms, and Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB) for a one-time Artists’ Relief Fund in support of artists struggling from Covid-19 derived economic hardship.
This Open Call asks artists to respond to the prompt, “Care Not Cages,” and the supported text above, with artwork generated through any medium.
By submitting to the Care Not Cages Open Call, artists consent for submitted artwork to be featured on The Crenshaw Dairy Mart, Justice LA, For Freedoms, and Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB)’s media channels.
This is an unrestricted cash prize which will be juried by The Crenshaw Dairy Mart, Justice LA, For Freedoms, and Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB) .
1st Award: $1,500
2nd Award: $1,000
3rd Award: $500